Welcome to the MTLDP


MTLDP is an educational program for SMHS faculty who teach medical and/or health science students, residents, and fellows individually, in small groups, in classroom settings and online.

Oriented to Developing Education Leaders

Focused exclusively on faculty development, the Program’s tri-fold purposes are to:

  • Enhance teaching skills
  • Develop education leadership potential
  • Foster scholarship in education
Students and Teachers in a classroom

Providing a Solid Foundation

MTLDP consists of five courses taken over a 10-month period:

  • Adult Learning
  • Curriculum Design for Adult Learners
  • Assessment of Adult Learning
  • Work Groups & Teams in Organizations
  • Leadership in Organizations

Graduates receive a Graduate Certificate in Master Teacher Leadership Development from SMHS.

Students and Teachers discussing material

Offered in a Collegial Learning Environment

Cohort size averages 12 faculty members per year and every attempt is made to select a broad diversity of participants in terms of their backgrounds, specialties, and education responsibilities.

Courses are taught by seasoned faculty who are knowledgeable about healthcare systems and experienced in providing effective adult learning.

Students sitting in a group

Published Papers on the Master Teacher Leadership Development Program

Goldman, E., Wesner, M., & Karnchanomai, O. (2013). Reciprocal peer coaching: A critical contributor to implementing individual leadership plans. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 24(1), 63-87.

Goldman, E. F., Wesner, M., Karnchanomai, O., & Haywood, Y. (2012). Implementing the leadership development plans of faculty education fellows: A structured approach. Academic Medicine, 87(9), 1177- 1184.

Goldman, E. F., Wesner, M., Plack, M. M., Manikoth, N. N., & Haywood, Y. (2014). Secondhand learning from graduates of leadership development programs. Journal of Workplace Learning, 26(8), 511-528.

Plack, M. M., Goldman, E. F., Wesner, M., Manikoth, N., & Haywood, Y. (2015). How learning transfers: A study of how graduates of a faculty education fellowship influenced the behaviors and practices of their peers and organizations. Academic Medicine, 90(3), 372-378. 


The program made me knowledgeable enough to talk to educators, understanding core concepts that I had blindly trudged through previously. It strengthened my confidence and ability to design and implement educational and organizational projects.

-Lamia Soghier, MD (Neonatology, CNH)

The opportunity to conduct guided inquiry into several aspects of medical education and training is unparalleled by any other program I have witnessed. Couple that with the opportunity to interrogate my own assumptions about my career trajectory, my educational principles, and my standing on social issues and it becomes clear why the MTLDP has been a transformative experience.

-Tenagne Haile-Mariam, MD (Emergency Medicine, SMHS)

Master Teacher was a great experience that allowed me to explore my ideas openly and receive feedback not only from the faculty teaching the courses but also my peers. I gained new perspectives on education, being a team member, and also leadership as both a process and an individual. This program helped me gain insight in areas that I didn't know existed before and I completed the program knowing I will continue to have the support from my cohort members.

-Nicole DeVaul, PhD (Anatomy and Cell Biology, SMHS)